
FNP Prize Award Ceremony

The official presentation of diplomas to this year?s winners of the FNP Prize took place on 3 December at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. The recipients are professors Tomasz Goslar, Karol Grela, Iwo Białynicki-Birula and Lech Szczucki. The event was &he...
Dr Magdalena Kulma

Winners of the INTER 2014 Popularisation Competition

The finals of the third INTER popularisation competition organized by the Foundation for Polish Science as part of its SKILLS project* were held on 22 November 2014 at the Jabłkowski Brothers Department Store building in Warsaw. The 19 finalists had ...
Statuetka_Nagroda FNP_very small

FNP Prize 2014 Recipients Chosen

The Foundation for Polish Science has for the 23rd time granted its FNP Prizes, considered to be Poland?s most important scientific awards. The winners are four leading Polish researchers: Prof. Tomasz Goslar, Prof. Karol Grela, Prof. Iwo Białynicki-...

Laureaci Fundacji odkryli nową planetę

Międzynarodowy zespół badaczy kierowany przez dra Radosława Poleskiego, laureata programu START 2010 i 2011, odkrył nowy pozasłoneczny system planetarny. Praca opisująca wyniki badań została opublikowana w prestiżowym czasopiśmie naukowym Astrophysic...