
The COPERNICUS Prize 2016 Awarded

The COPERNICUS Polish-German Scientific Award ceremony was held on Tuesday, 7 June 2016 at the Palace on the Isle in Warsaw?s Royal Łazienki Park. In the 6th edition, the award was presented by the president of the German Research Foundation (DFG), &...
Nowa Rada FNP

New Foundation Council Appointed

Due to the expiration of the four-year term in office of the FNP Council, spanning 2012-2016, a new Council was appointed last week, on 2 June. The official presentation of appointments, which took place at the Foundation?s headquarters, was attended...

Sabbatical Fellowships 2015 Awarded

The Foundation has chosen the winners of the fourth competition for sabbatical fellowships that are offered to beneficiaries of the MISTRZ/MASTER programme. The fellowships are granted to scientists for a period of sabbatical leave to be spent conduc...