The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) is announcing a call for expert candidates as part of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 under Measure 4.4 ?Increasing the human potential in the R&D sector? as part of which it fulfils the ro...
Researchers from six academic centres in Poland, acting within the BIOG-NET consortium, are carefully watching diatoms ? microscopic algae showing a phenomenal ability to synthesise silica of a delicate three-dimensional structure. Their intent is to...
How to make radiation therapy more accurate and effective in cancer treatment? Researchers and doctors have joined forces to create a medical phantom for precise dose planning in radiation therapy. The device will enable adjusting both the dose and t...
They?re foreigners and they come to Poland especially to work in science. Or they are Poles who have lived abroad for a long time but choose to return home for the next stage in their scientific career. What are their …
Co-founded by one of FNP?s laureates, prof. Piotr Garstecki, the company received a grant of EUR 1.9 million for further research on the innovative BacterOMIC system designed to support faster and cheaper diagnostics of bacterial infections, which is...
The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), in cooperation with the French Academy of Sciences, invite the submission of nominations for the first competition for the Maria Skł...
It might seem that a researcher of the temple of Hatshepsut and translator of tales written in a mysterious script would have to be a pretty busy person. But the mystery of the space-time inhabited by Filip Taterka, a 2019 …
We are pleased to report that in the prestigious competition for research on quantum technology organized by the QuantERA consortium, of the 12 winning international projects, five of them involve researchers from Poland, including four of our own la...