Led by Professor Magda Konarska from the International Research Agenda ReMedy and University of Warsaw?s Centre of New Technologies, the research group described its research findings in the Molecular Cell journal. The researchers provided a discussi...
The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) is announcing a call for expert candidates as part of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 under Measure 4.4 ?Increasing the human potential in the R&D sector? as part of which it fulfils the ro...
Fly ashes are among the coal combustion products (CCPs) which are harmful to the environment. Researchers from three Polish universities are searching for innovative methods to process and safely use this type of waste. Their solutions are exp...
Fly ashes are among the coal combustion products (CCPs) which are harmful to the environment. Researchers from three Polish universities are searching for innovative methods to process and safely use this type of waste. Their solutions are expected t...
Prof. Tomasz Niedzielski and his team at the Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography at the University of Wrocław have developed a system for locating persons lost in open spaces. According to the team?s plans, in two years the system will &hell...
Many compounds which are necessary to sustain life on Earth can exist in two forms. These are so-called enantiomers which, despite having the same chemical formula, are characterised by varied optical activity and, thereby, completely different biolo...