
Interferon pomoże w walce z COVID-19?

Dr Alicja Chmielewska, wirusolożka z Gdańska, sprawdza, czy występujące w organizmie człowieka białko o nazwie interferon może pobudzić nasz układ odpornościowy do skutecznej walki z koronawirusem SARS-CoV-2. Badania są finansowane przez Fundację na ...

Could Interferon help in the fight against COVID-19?

Dr Alicja Chmielewska, a Polish virologist from Gdańsk, is verifting whether human immune proteins, also known as interferons, could stimulate the immunological system to effectively fight with SARS-CoV-2. Her research is financed by the Foundation f...

A Prize for FNP MONOGRAPHS Publication

We are pleased to inform you that the book by Dr. Katarzyna Kalinowska, published in the FNP MONOGRAPHS series, entitled Praktyki flirtu i podrywu. Studium z mikrosocjologii emocji (Flirt and Pickup Practices: A Study in the Microsociology of Emotion...

About terahertz waves on the PR1 radio station

What is terahertz radiation and how can we use it to develop new technologies and for 6G-based high-speed data transmission? Professor Wojciech Knap, the co-founder of the Warsaw-based CENTERA institute, talks about this significant discovery of CENT...

Foundation?s Annual Report

We present you with the Annual FNP Report, which overviews our activities in 2019. As in previous years, the document reports on our statutory activities in 2019, along with financial statements, the auditor?s report, and a supplement presenting some...