Researchers from Poland get EMBO grants
Five young researchers from Poland have received grants from the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO). This group includes dr Piotr Szwedziak of ReMedy, a MAB centre of excellence supported by FNP under the International Research Agendas programme.
The prestigious EMBO Installation Grants help young leaders of research teams from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Portugal and Turkey to establish independent laboratories within their research centres. Each grantee will be provided EUR 50,000 a year for 3 to 5 years. A total of nine grants were awarded in 2019.
Dr Piotr Szwedziak is implementing the ReMedy project to study archaeons in the context of cellular evolution. Using structural biology and biochemistry, he is trying to find out how a complicated structure, such as a human cell, could have developed.
Other grantees from Poland include dr Aleksandra Pekowska and dr Grzegorz Sumara of the M. Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, PAN, and dr Rafał Mostowy and dr Yusuke Azuma of the Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University.
For more information and the full list of grantees, visit EMBO website
Discover the ReMedy centre of excellence
Congratulations to all the grantees!
Source: EMBO and the Academic Forum