The Foundation for Polish Science and the French Academy of Sciences are pleased to announce the third edition of the competition for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie Polish-French Science Award. The prize is co-financed by the FNP and the Zygmunt Zaleski Foundation.
The Award highlights the benefits of Polish-French scientific cooperation. It will be awarded for the third time to a pair of cooperating scientists from Poland and France in recognition of their joint research achievements that have contributed to strengthening scientific cooperation between the two countries.
The Award is granted based on nominations, including self-nominations. A pair of candidates can be nominated by any active representative of the Polish and French scientific community. Nominations may concern researchers who represent all fields of science.
Laureates will receive EUR 15 000 each, including EUR 5 000 as an individual award and EUR 10 000 as a subsidy for continuing scientific cooperation.
Nominations will be accepted from December 4th, 2023, until 4.00 pm on January 31st, 2024.
Each nomination must indicate two scientists of any nationality, with a doctoral degree, one working in Poland and one in France, who can boast a joint scientific achievement.
The nomination should include:
- Acknowledgement of the joint scientific achievement(s) made by the two candidates thanks to Polish-French scientific cooperation as well as their future research projects (maximum 3 pages)
- List of up to ten publications on topics related to their scientific cooperation (it is recommended to add 3 to 5 lines of commentary per publication and the corresponding links to the journals or to open archives if available)
- Curricula vitae of both candidates (maximum 2 pages for each candidate)
- Two written supports per candidacy:
- in case of nomination, one third party letter of support for the nominated pair of candidates (maximum 2 pages), and a justification for nomination by the nominator (maximum 3600 characters).
- in case of self-nomination, two third party letters of support for the nominated pair of candidates (maximum 2 pages each).
As the Foundation for Polish Science and the French Academy of Sciences have signed the San Francisco – DORA declaration, its principles of qualitative evaluation will be respected by making limited use of bibliometric indicators and banning the impact factor.
Nominations should be submitted in English in electronic form via the online database.
The winners will be selected by a Polish-French jury appointed by the Foundation for Polish Science and the French Academy of Sciences.
Detailed information about the competition is available directly from the Programme Officer, Moniki Biłas-Henne, PhD: tel. 22 845 95 32; 604 129 087, monika.bilas@fnp.org.pl
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