Co-funded by the Foundation for Polish Science, the research conducted by scientists from the Max Planck Research Group at the Jagiellonian University?s Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology (MCB) in Krakow in collaboration with the University of Queens...
The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) is announcing a call for expert candidates as part of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 under Measure 4.4 ?Increasing the human potential in the R&D sector? as part of which it fulfils the ro...
We kindly inform you that due to the development of the Covid-19 pandemic, the deadline for applications in the START program (edition 2021) is postponed from November 2 to December 18, 2020. The date of announcing winners of the competition …...
On Monday, October 12 this year, at 4 p.m., the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) and the German scientific organization Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) jointly awarded the COPERNICUS 2020 Polish-German Scientific Award. The modest meeting wa...
From September 23 to November 2, 2020, young scientists can apply for a scholarship in the START 2021 competition. The START scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) is a prestigious distinction for the most talented young researchers, ...
Aby wyjść poza własny punkt widzenia i poznać opinie ?użytkowników?, czyli osób zaangażowanych w realizację grantów, jesienią 2019 roku Zespół ds. Ewaluacji i Analiz Programowych FNP przeprowadził badanie ankietowe wśród beneficjentów działania 4.4 P...
The Foundation for Polish Science has announced the results of the assessment of applications submitted by the beneficiaries of the current projects funded under Measure 4.4. of the Smart Growth Operational Programme related to combatting the COVID-1...
We are pleased to inform you that registration of applications in this year?s edition of the Alexander von Humboldt Scholarship Programme has begun. We encourage Polish researchers to register their candidates ? German scientists who intend to conduc...