We are pleased to announce that on 26 November 2015, the Foundation for Polish Science launched the first competition in the International Research Agendas programme. The deadline for filing the first part of the application is 15 January 2016.
The International Research Agendas programme is designed for distinguished researchers from Poland or abroad with recognised research achievements who will head research units in Poland created in line with the world?s best models. The amount earmarked for the first competition is PLN 120 million. There is a parallel competition path for applicants planning to use funds from the programme to support implementation of projects that have received funding in phase one of the first Teaming for Excellence competition (Horizon 2020). An additional PLN 135 million is earmarked for projects implemented at units financed under the first Teaming for Excellence competition.
The conditions for participation in the programme are the same for all applicants and are described in detail in the competition documentation for the programme.
The goal of the International Research Agendas programme is to create specialised, world-class research units applying global best practice in:
- Identification of research programmes and topics
- HR policy
- R&D management
- Commercialisation of R&D results.
These units will pursue international research agendas?research programmes created by applicants and members of the international research community who are world-renowned authorities in the field in which the unit will specialise. The total amount earmarked for funding the International Research Agendas programme under the Smart Growth Operational Programme is about EUR 126 million.
The application process in the competition will be conducted in three stages. The first part of the application must be filed in electronic and paper form by 15 January 2016 at 4:00 pm. The hard copy must be delivered by post, courier or in person at the Foundation headquarters. The date of receipt shall be decisive.
Detailed information about the programme, the timetable, rules for participation in the first competition, and the competition documentation are available at the programme website.
The competition documentation for the programme will be available on Monday, 30 November 2015.
For more information:
Kinga Słomińska, Head of the International Research Agendas Section, kinga.slominska@fnp.org.pl, tel.: +48 22 845 95 46, and Dr Judyta Węgrzyn, Programme Specialist, judyta.wegrzyn@fnp.org.pl, tel.: +48 22 311 84 39.
The International Research Agendas programme is co-financed from European Union funds as part of the Smart Growth Operational Programme.