Lp.NameLocation of project implementationProject titleAmount awarded (up to PLN)
1.Dr Piotr Brągoszewski (project director)University of Warsaw, Centre of New TechnologiesCellular mechanisms handling failed mitochondrial protein translocation events1 999 973,00
2.Dr Damian Graczyk (project director)Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS in WarsawThe role of POLR1D, a common subunit of RNA polymerases I and III, in colorectal cancer1 995 266,00
3.Dr Piotr Kolenderski (project director)Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and InformaticsApplications of single-photon technologies2 000 000,00
4.Dr Michał Komorowski (project director)Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS in WarsawDeciphering biochemical signalling to inform more efficient therapeutic strategies2 000 000,00
5.Dr hab. Piotr Michał Korczyk (project director)Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS in WarsawDigital operations on droplets embedded into smart microfluidic architectures for applications in medical diagnostics and biological research2 000 000,00
6.Dr inż. Konrad Kowalczyk (project director)AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics and TelecommunicationsAudio Processing using Distrubuted Acoustic Sensors1 998 700,00
7.Dr Radosław Łapkiewicz (project director)University of Warsaw, Faculty of PhysicsSpatiotemporal photon correlation measurements for quantum metrology and super-resolution microscopy1 946 664,00
8.Dr Kinga Majchrzak (project director)Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary MedicineModification of signaling pathways of canine Th17 lymphocytes subset to improve adoptive cellular immunotherapy for humans1 999 750,00
9.Dr inż. Tomasz Marszałek (project director)Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of ChemistrySelf-standing, flexible and solution processable organic field effect transistors for complementary inverter applications1 985 920,00
10.Dr inż. Joanna Olesiak-Bańska (project director)Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of ChemistryNonlinear Optics, Nanoparticles and Amyloids (NONA) – application of nonlinear optics and gold nanoparticles to study amyloid formation1 744 780,00
11.Dr Agata Starosta (project director)Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Biology and BiotechnologyTranslation regulation in spore-forming bacterium – Specialized ribosomes in Bacillus subtilis1 999 164,00
12.Dr Michał Roman Szymański (project director)Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG&MUGTargeting mitochondrial DNA repair for novel anti-cancer therapies2 000 000,00
13.Dr Konrad Wojciechowski (project director)Foundation Saule Research InstituteEnhancement of structural stability and operational reliability of perovskite solar cells1 974 800,00

