BeneficiaryFieldPrevious institutionReceiving institutionMaximum award amount (PLN)
dr Dominik DomanskiBiotechnology and bioengineeringUVic-GBC Proteomics Centre, University of Victoria, CanadaInstitute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences304 000
dr Jan GuzowskiNew materials and technologiesMax Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, GermanyInstitute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences198 000
dr Agnieszka JaźwaBiotechnology and bioengineeringInstituto de Investigationes Biomedicas, Autonomous University of Madrid, SpainJagiellonian University324 000
dr Michał KomorowskiComputational scienceImperial College London, United KingdomInstitute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences323 000
dr Katarzyna KoroniakBiotechnology and bioengineeringKarlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT , GermanyAdam Mickiewicz University, Poznań303 000
dr Jarosław KowalskiNew materials and technologiesUniversity of Warwick, Coventry, United KingdomInstitute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences304 000
dr Marta MaleszewskaBiotechnology and bioengineeringHématologie, Immunologie, Cibles Thérapeutiques, Hôpital,Paris, FranceNencki Institute of Experimental Biology326 000
dr Tomasz NiedzielskiInformation and telecommunications technologiesUniversity of Aberdeen, United KingdomUniversity of Wrocław319 400
dr Tomasz StefańskiInformation and telecommunications technologiesSwiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich, SwitzerlandGdańsk University of Technology320 000
dr Mateusz ŚmietanaOptoelectronicsUniversité du Québec en Outaouais, CanadaWarsaw University of Technology316 800
dr Maciej TarnowskiBiotechnology and bioengineeringUniversity of Louisville, United StatesPomeranian Medical University314 500
dr Piotr WasilewskiInformation and telecommunications technologiesDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, CanadaUniversity of Warsaw325 000
dr eng. Maciej ZgirskiNew materials and technologiesCEA Saclay, FranceInstitute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences328 000
dr Piotr ZuchowskiNew materials and technologiesDepartment of Chemistry, University of Durham, United KingdomNicolaus Copernicus University271 400