dr Alessandro Facchini | Logic, information science | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics | 294 900 |
dr Lidia Jasińska-Walc | Chemistry | Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands | Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry | 164 000 |
dr Łukasz Kilański | Physics | Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland | Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences | 285 000 |
dr Mikołaj Korzyński | Physics | University of Vienna, Austria | Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences | 235 600 |
dr Wojciech Kotłowski | Information science | Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Poznań University of Technology, Faculty of Computing | 256 000 |
dr Ewa Liszewska | Neurobiology | Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany | International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Warsaw | 302 000 |
dr Piotr Masłowski | Physics, chemistry | JILA Joint Laboratory of University of Colorado and NIST, Boulder, USA | Nicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics | 301 200 |
dr Łukasz Michalczyk | Evolutionary biology, zoology | University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom | Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences | 328 000 |
dr Beata Nowakowska | Molecular genetics | Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium | Mother and Child Institute, Warsaw | 280 000 |
dr Krystyna Oracz | Developmental biology | University of Freiburg, Germany | Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology | 314 000 |
dr Karolina Siwicka | Medicine, biology | Nagoya University, Japan | Medical University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Medicine with Subfaculty of Dentistry | 304 000 |
dr Magdalena Stobińska | Physics | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg/Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light, Germany | Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences | 300 000 |
dr Marcin Śmiglak | Chemistry, agriculture | IoLiTec Ionic Liquids Technologies GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany | Poznań Science and Technology Park, Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation | 310 300 |
dr Jędrzej Walkowiak | Chemistry | RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Centre for Advanced Technology | 326 000 |