Dr Jarosław Cendrowski (project director) | Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), Spain | International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology | Role of ESCRT-I protein complex in amino acid and lipid metabolism in the context of erythropoiesis | PLN 799 970 |
Dr Aleksander M. Grabiec (project director) | Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Manchester, United Kingdom | Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology | Targeting epigenetic changes in periodontitis - alterations in the host protein acetylation system as a potential novel therapeutic target in periodontal disease | PLN 798 549 |
Dr Bartłomiej Graczykowski (project director) | ICN2: Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, NanoBioMedical Centre | Phononic Crystals for Heat and Sound Nanodevices | PLN 687 790 |
Dr Anna Hoser (project director) | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry | Towards new methods of extracting thermodynamic properties from X-ray diffraction data of model polymorphic systems | PLN 638 462 |
Dr Michał Karpiński (project director) | Department of Physics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics | Manipulating spectral entanglement by complex temporal phase modulation | PLN 753 270 |
Dr Przemysław Malinowski (project director) | Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany | University of Warsaw, Centre of New Technologies | Transition metal salts of weakly coordination anions as model scavengers of nitrous oxide and halogenated hydrocarbons | PLN 772 330 |
Dr Marcin Pilipczuk (project director) | Simons Institute for Theory of Computing, Berkeley, USA | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics | Recent trends in kernelization: theory and experimental evaluation | PLN 597 866 |
Dr Oskar Skibski (project director) | Kyushu University, Japan | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics | Centrality Measures: from Theory to Applications | PLN 796 260 |
Dr Karolina Słowik (project director) | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany | Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics | HEIMaT: High enhancement and Interference of Molecular Transitions (Nanoantennas for higher-multipole light-matter coupling) | PLN 468 842 |
Dr Maja Sochalska (project director) | Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria | Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology | Deregulated apoptosis of neutrophils as a potential mechanism underlying the pathobiology of periodontitis | PLN 800 000 |
Dr Anna Beroun (project director) | European Neuroscience Institute, Göttingen, Germany | Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology | Addicted brain: mapping neural correlates of alcohol relapse | PLN 799 780 |
Dr Mirosław Werwiński (project director) | Uppsala University, Sweden | Institute of Molecular Physics PAS | Influence of chemical disorder on the properties of selected rare-earth free permanent magnets | PLN 799 360 |
Dr Jan Wróbel (project director) | Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, United Kingdom | Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering | Ab-initio modelling of phase stability and properties of high-entropy alloys | PLN 799 420 |