LKHF Award Photo2
Photo of Dr Caterina Tarlazzi (private archive)

Dr Caterina Tarlazzi specialises in the history of mediaeval philosophy and her research interests focus on the problem of universals, with special consideration of Peter Abelard?s thought. In her research she combines an interest in logic and metaphysics with a search for the sources of unpublished manuscripts and textual criticism. Her publications include a critical edition of Isaac of Stella?s Epistola de anima, as well as the discovery of a new version of Achard of St Victor?s De discretione animae, spiritus et mentis, and of the previously unknown manuscript by Periesichen Augustini, a text resembling the works of Alan of Lille. Her recent research investigates the realist theories of genera and species, starting with the 12th Century, on the basis of both published and unpublished sources, and explores their relations to Peter Abelard?s views.

In 2013 Dr Caterina Tarlazzi defended her PhD thesis in the cotutelle model, earning the Degree of Doctor Europaeusgranted jointly by Universit? degli Studi di Padova in Italy and Université Paris IV Sorbonne in France. She was then awarded a three-year fellowship by the British Academy at the University of Cambridge. Since 2017 she has worked at the University of Geneva. She has also been awarded a number of fellowships under grant programmes, including the Ambizione Fellowship granted by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Marie Skłodowska Curie Global Fellowship, as well as several distinctions and awards in recognition of her research.
