Prof. dr hab. Andrzej SkowrońskiNicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Mathematics and Information TechnologyStructure and Geometry. Completion of Dimensional Representation of Tame Algebras
Prof. dr hab. Kazimierz RząźewskiCentre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of SciencesQuantum Optics and Optics of Atoms
Prof. dr hab. Mieczysław MąkoszaInstitute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of SciencesNew Conceptions in Applications of Phase-Boundary Catalysis
Prof. dr hab. Feliks PrzytyckiInstitute of Mathematics,Polish Academy of SciencesIterations of Holomorphic Functions in Dimension 1 - Bifurcations, Non-holomorphic Disorders, Measures and Geometry
Prof. dr hab. Lechosław C. Latos-GrażyńskiUniversity of Wrocław, Faculty of ChemistryModification of the Coordinating Core of Porphyrinoid Macrocycles - Searching for Efficient Control Strategies for the Properties of Metalloporphyrins and Oligometalloporphyrins
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej LasotaUniversity of Silesia, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and ChemistryAsymptotics of Dynamic Systems Working on Measures
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy KijowskiCentre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of SciencesTheories of Fundamental Effects of Materials and Their Mathematical Methods
Prof. dr hab. Janusz JurczakUniversity of Warsaw, Faculty of ChemistrySynthesis, Structural Studies and Supramolecular Chemistry of Macrocyclic Complexes
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy GębickiŁódź University of Technology, Institute of Radiation TechnologyNon-enzymatic Transhydrogenation Reactions using NADH: Mechanistic and Application Aspects
Prof. dr hab. Tomasz DietlInstitute of Physics, Polish Academy of SciencesSpin Phenomena in Low-Dimensional Structures
Prof. dr hab. Ewa DamekUniversity of Wrocław, Institute of MatematicsSpaces of Functions Connected with Second-Order Differential Operators in Uniform Real and Complex Manifolds
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej BiałasJagiellonian University, Institute of PhysicsFluctuations in Multiparous Production of Particles
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Białynicki-BirulaUniversity of Warsaw, Institute of MathematicsAlgebraic Geometry
Prof. dr hab. Stanisław L. WoronowiczUniversity of Warsaw, Faculty of PhysicsNon-compact Quantum Groups
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej A. ZdziarskiAstronomical Centre, Polish Academy of SciencesResearch on Sources of Intensive Electromagnetic Radiation Near Black Holes