Prof. dr hab. Roman Leboda | Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Faculty of Chemistry | Preparation of New Adsorbents and Studying their Chemical Processes from the Point of View of Optimisation of Processes of Adsorption and Analysis of Substances Dangerous for the Health and Human Life |
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Kossut | Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw | Spin Phenomena in Low-Dimension Structures from Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors and in Hybrid Structures |
Prof. dr hab. eng. Mieczysław Łapkowski | Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry | Electrochemical and Spectroelectrochemical Research on Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers |
Prof. dr hab. Roman Micnas | Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Physics | High-temperature Superconductivity and Electron Regulation |
Prof. dr hab. Józef Spałek | Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science | The New Physics of Strongly Correlated Fermions in Nanosystems and Superconductors |
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Udalski | University of Warsaw, Astronomical Observatory | The Search for Extrasolar Planetary Systems with Photometric Methods |
Prof. dr hab. Przemysław Wojtaszczyk | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics | Non-linear Approximation |
Prof. dr hab. Marek Żukowski | University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics | Interferometry of Entangled Photons and Quantum Information Science |
Prof. dr hab. Józef E. Korecki | AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Technology | Epitaxial Functional Nanostructures |
Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kaczorowski | Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science | Analyical and Algorithmic Number of Theory |
Prof. dr hab. Bogumił Jeziorski | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry | Theory of Effects of Open-shell Molecules and its Application to Describe Spectroscopic and Collision Processes in Ultra-low Temperatures |
Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Jaskólski | Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Chemistry | Crystallographic Research on the Structure of Protein |
Prof. dr hab. Aleksander Jabłoński | Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw | Research on the Composition and Structure of First Atomic Layers of Solids Using Electron Spectroscopy |
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Dobaczewski | University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics | Exotic Properties of Atomic Nuclei Far from Stability |
Prof. dr hab. eng. Zbigniew Brzózka | Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry | Research on New Receptors of Selected Bioanalytes and their Application in Miniature Analytical Systems |