We are delighted to present to you the publication entitled “Science in times of transition. How EU-funded research is helping to protect us from global threats and take advantage of historic opportunities”. The material contains information on the scientific achievements of more than 30 outstanding scientists, financed from the funds of the Smart Growth Operational Programme (SG OP) by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP).
The publication “Science in times of transition…” presents the achievements of more than 30 outstanding scientists whose research was supported by the FNP under the Smart Growth Operational Programme, funded by the European Union. The material contains five thematic articles that address research in different areas. The publication shows how Polish science, thanks to European Funds, is responding to global challenges and opportunities, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of new materials, medical diagnostics and medical innovations, energy and environment, and quantum technologies. You are welcome to download the publication.
“The pandemic is just the beginning. Fighting COVID-19 paves the way for medical breakthroughs”
Scientists in Poland, supported by European Funds channelled through, among others, the Foundation for Polish Science, are conducting world-class research on COVID-19. The solutions being developed in Polish laboratories can give us the tools to deal not only with the COVID-19 pandemic but also with many other diseases. The article contains information about the contribution of Polish scientists to the development of mRNA technology, which can support the treatment of cancer, among other diseases. The text describes a new diagnostic device for the rapid and reliable identification of SARS-CoV-2 as well as new solutions for faster and more efficient testing of e.g. new antiviral drugs. Another interesting topic in the article is the so-called “COVID-stigma”, i.e. the impact of the pandemic on the stigmatisation of immigrants and ethnic minorities.
“From nanoscale to megastructures. Polish scientists create the materials of the future”
The materials being developed in Polish laboratories can open up completely new possibilities for engineers and scientists, ones that were not available to them before. Potentially, the innovative materials could be used in various fields, e.g. medicine or nuclear energy. Backed by European funds, researchers are using the properties of matter at the nanoscale, observing nature and improving materials that have been used for millennia to open up new development opportunities for humanity. The article also describes the materials that can change the way we store data. The topic of materials that can contribute to the “green transition” in the field of energy was also raised, such as those that convert solar radiation more efficiently than those that exist today. There was also information about work on materials that could be used in security systems, telecommunications, solar energy conversion systems, hydrogen production or medicine.
“Understand, diagnose, cure. Research by Polish scientists advances medicine”
From state-of-the-art vision therapies, through working out the processes behind the development of both the most common and the rarest conditions, to innovative techniques that make it possible to fight diseases with solutions developed by nature itself. These are just some of the results of medical science research funded by European Funds in cooperation with the FNP. This section of the publication presents the research that Polish scientists are currently conducting in the area of brain diseases. It also describes new imaging techniques that allow the precise search for disturbing health signals in the structure of the eye. The article also contains, among other things, information on the latest methods for reducing excessive activity of the immune system, based on parasite research.
“Energy for the future”
Controlling the climate crisis requires a deep reflection on how we generate, store and use energy. Research by scientists supported by the Foundation for Polish Science with funds from the Smart Growth Operational Programme is opening the way to an efficient, clean and environmentally friendly future. The text describes the challenges facing the EU in the context of the energy transition. The researchers talked about the technologies that are emerging in the context of striving for efficient management of energy generation from renewable sources, among other things. One of the topics raised was modern energy banks. The article also talks about new possibilities for the use of raw materials resulting from power-generating coal combustion.
“Supercomputers, cyphers and the mysteries of the Universe. Polish scientists break through quantum barriers”
Calculations, measurements, communications – Polish centres are developing quantum technologies that have the potential to transform many key areas of our civilisation and give us possibilities we could hardly have dreamed of before. The final thematic section of the publication presents work on technologies that could be used to build real quantum computers. In the article, the researchers also explain why quantum technologies can ensure complete confidentiality of data transmitted over computer networks. The publication also refers to precision sensors used, for example, in biomedical research or fast wireless connectivity.
The scientists featured in the publication of the Foundation for Polish Science are laureates or members of research teams conducting research under programmes coordinated by the Foundation, i.e. International Research Agendas, FIRST TEAM, HOMING, POWROTY, TEAM, TEAM-NET, TEAM-TECH (along with the Core Facility). Funding for the programmes comes from the Smart Growth Operational Programme.
The publication entitled “Science in times of transition. How EU-funded research is helping to protect us from global threats and take advantage of historic opportunities” is co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Smart Growth Operational Programme.
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