The Foundation for Polish Science has announced the results of the assessment of applications submitted by the beneficiaries of the current projects funded under Measure 4.4. of the Smart Growth Operational Programme related to combatting the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional funds from SGOP 4.4. amounting in total to nearly PLN 15 million were awarded for 14 research projects.
The call for application was open from 15 April to 12 May. 53 beneficiaries carrying out projects under TEAM, TEAM-TECH, FIRST TEAM, HOMING, POWROTY/REINTEGRATIONS programmes joined the competition*. The research tasks submitted for the competition had to be directly related to combatting the COVID-19 pandemic, including, e.g., biological, medical, epidemiological, diagnostic and crisis management issues, etc. related to SARS-CoV-2. The applications were assessed jointly by experts in the respective fields.
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The TEAM, TEAM-TECH, FIRST TEAM, HOMING, POWROTY/REINTEGRATIONS programmes are co-funded by the European Union as part of the European Regional Development Fund from the Smart Growth Operational Programme.
(*The call for applications was not performed in line with the competition procedure pursuant to the Implementation Act and was intended solely for the currently implemented SGOP 4.4. projects).