Alexander von Humboldt Polish Honorary Research Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded to outstanding German scholars with the highest qualifications and a significant contribution to global research, as recognition for their previous research achievements and in order to permit them to conduct scientific research at a selected institution in Poland.


Laureates of A. von Humboldt Polish Honorary Research Fellowship


A scheme of outstanding importance, it is the equivalent of Humboldt-Forschungspreise, the prestigious award granted by the well-known Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung of Germany to eminent foreign scholars. It is intended as a form of appreciation for the outstanding achievements of its beneficiaries, at the same time being aimed at stimulating long-term co-operation between Polish and German scholars.


Since 1996, these fellowships have been awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science to eminent German scholars with the highest qualifications and a significant contribution to global research.

Candidates for a scholarship may be nominated for the competition by Polish scholars,


The research stay (from 3 – 6 months) may be split into several periods over three years.
At present, the amount awarded as fellowship is 4000 ? per month.


The names of prospective grantees from amongst German scholars are submitted to the Foundation for Polish Science by distinguished Polish scientists, who are obliged to provide appropriate facilities for their candidate to carry out a research project as designed by the beneficiary.



The deadline for submitting applications was 30 September 2021.
No additional calls planned.


Additional info

Stipends are awarded on the basis of the 1995 agreement between the FNP and the Humboldt Foundation. As a result of this contract, the Foundation for Polish Science joined similar organisations from countries with analogous partnership agreements on mutual awarding of these distinctions to the most outstanding scholars. The invitation enables beneficiaries to conduct their research projects in accordance with their own choice in cooperation with colleagues from the host country.

The name of the stipend takes the name of the patron to invoke the best traditions of cooperation of Polish and German scientists. Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859), a German naturalist, traveller and geographer, worked together with many Poles and was an honorary member of the Society of Friends of Sciences in Warsaw and the first promoter of Adam Mickiewicz?s poetry in Germany.



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