FIRST TEAM makes it possible to obtain funding to set up a research team and conduct innovative research in Poland with a potential for application.
The FIRST TEAM Measure receives funding through the European Funds for Smart Economy (FENG) programme.
Announcement of information on the second call for applications in the First Team Measure
Objectives of the FIRST TEAM measure:
- support for projects focused on innovative research with high potential for implementation
- assistance in achieving scientific independence through leading a research team
- development of international scientific cooperation and collaboration with entrepreneur from Poland
- increasing the competitiveness of Polish applications submitted to ERC calls
Applicants in the programme are research units and a principal investigator who is the author of the application for funding with a minimum doctoral degree (regardless of nationality) who has defended the doctorate no earlier than 12 years before the date of application with the start of the period being the annual date of the degree and the end of the period being the year preceding the deadline for applications in the competition. The deadline of 12 years may be extended if the conditions described in the Regulations for Project Selection Criteria are met.
The principal investigator of the project should be employed in the Beneficiary’s unit on at least 50% of a full-time basis for the project and involve in his/her team young scientists: students, doctoral students or young PhD graduates.
Funding can be received for research and development activities that will contribute to solving current or evolving scientific problems of relevance to the global market or that make a significant contribution to solving important challenges facing society. Within the framework of the project, cooperation with at least one research partner from abroad and a national entrepreneur is mandatory, with financial support being provided only to the research unit of the Beneficiary.
The thematic scope of projects is not limited to specific scientific area but refers to the priorities included in the list of National Smart Specialisations.
Funding does not cover basic research.
The maximum amount of funding possible to obtain for one project is PLN 4 million (EUR 0.9 million)
The expenditure eligibility period cannot extend beyond 31 December 2029.
Application submission
The application for funding must be completed in accordance with the Instructions for filling the Application Form.
The applicable documents are made available on the FIRST TEAM measure website and in the Applications Database (both within the “Files to download” section and directly in the “Attachments and Statements” section).
Evaluation of applications
Evaluation of an application for funding is a three-stage process and consists of a formal assessment and a two-stage substantive assessment.
Formal assessment is carried out by employees of Intermediate Body (IB) – the Foundation for Polish Science. Substantive assessment is carried out by Project Evaluation Committee composed of IB employees and external experts. The Project Evaluation Commitee in the first and second stage of substantive assessment works in the form of panels. An element of the substantive assessment process at II stage of substantive assessment is an interview with the principal investigator.
The applications are evaluated on the basis of the criteria annexed to the Regulations for Project Selection.
Results of the assessment after each stage, presenting projects qualified and not qualified for the next stage, are published by the Foundation on the call for proposals website and on the portal of the European Funds.
Detailed information on the assessment procedure is provided in the Regulations for Project Selection (RWP).
In case of a negative project assessment, the Applicant has the right to lodge a protest.
The second call for applications (No. 1/2024): 23.09.2024 - 23.10.2024 (GTM + 1)
Ewa Nawrocka, PhD
Programme Officer -
Anna Wajler, PhD
Project Officer
22 845 95 17; 604 129
Additional info
Please note that this is a translation of the Polish version of the document. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Polish versions, the Polish version shall be legally binding.
REGULATIONS FOR PROJECT SELECTION_First Team Call 1_2024_update_2.09.2024
annex 2 to RPS_ FUNDING AGREEMENT_sample_update_2.09.2024
annex 4 to RPS_Application form_sample_update_2.09.2024
annex 5 to RPS_Instructions for filling in the Application Form_update_2.09.2024
annex to Application_Project work schedule
annex 3 to RPS_Catalogue of eligible expenditure for Measure 2.2 FENG
annex 3 to the Agreement_Regulations for awarding scholarships
annex 5 to RPS_Instructions for filling in the Application Form
annex 6 Project selection criteria FIRST TEAM
annex 2 to RPS_ FUNDING AGREEMENT_template_archive
annex 4 to RPS_Application form_template_archive
annex 5 to RPS_Instructions for filling in the Application Form_archive
Please note that this is a translation of the Polish version of the document. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Polish versions, the Polish version shall be legally binding.