Programme for Scientists from Ukraine Cooperating with Scientists from Poland
Fourth Call in the FOR UKRAINE Program: We Know the Winners
Fourth Call in the FOR UKRAINE Programme
FNP Funds New Polish-Ukrainian Scientific Projects
First Polish-Ukrainian Research Projects Awarded by the FNP
FNP Announces New Programme for Polish-Ukrainian Scientific Cooperation
The programme is aimed at supporting scientists from Ukraine representing social sciences and humanities in the implementation of joint scientific projects together with scientists from Poland that will deepen the knowledge on issues connected with the development of civil society, democracy, European integration and security. The projects must concern matters important to both countries.
Scientists, with at least a doctoral degree (and all equivalent degrees), obtained no earlier than 12 years before submitting the application (counting by the year), who are currently employed as a researcher in an institution engaged in scientific research in Ukraine and permanently resides there, and will continue to do so throughout the project’s implementation, and scientists employed at institutions conducting scientific research in Poland.
The programme is implemented by competitive procedure. Three projects are expected to be awarded in each competition, realised jointly by both scientists from Poland and Ukraine.
The budget of one project for a 12-month period is PLN 268 800. It includes funds to cover salary as well as research-related costs.
The Foundation for Polish Science encourages the hosting institution to co-finance the project (e.g. in terms of applicants’ salaries, indirect costs, scholarships for students, engagement of other scientists, etc.).
FNP finances the FOR UKRAINE programme from its own funds. In addition, the Foundation runs a fundraiser aimed to provide additional support for young researchers from Ukraine involved in the winning projects. For more information about this initiative, visit the website:
The FOR UKRAINE programme also offers opportunities for creating institutional-business partnerships with the Foundation for Polish Science in order to support Ukrainian scientists and help them carry out research projects.
The competition is conducted through a call for proposals.
The application should indicate two scientists, one from Ukraine and one employed in Poland. It should be submitted on behalf of both researchers by the person working in Poland, jointly with the institution conducting scientific research in Poland at which the project will be implemented (hosting institution).
The application should include:
- the applicants’, their home institutions”and the hosting institution?s data
- both applicants’ CVs (up to two A4 pages each)
- a list of up to three major publications of each applicant, with electronic versions of their full or partial contents in the original languages
- a description of the planned scientific research, indicating its relevance to the FNP programme’s theme and the objective(s) to be achieved through the project (up to four A4 pages)
- information on the division of tasks to be implemented by the applicants with the specification of planned project results (e.g. publication, screenplay, exhibition, lecture, workshop, training, website, application, etc.; up to two A4 pages)
- information on the planned dissemination activities of the project results (up to one A4 page)
- information on the hosting institution’s contribution to the project funding (if applicable).
- three statements signed by the scientist from Ukraine, the scientist from Poland and the hosting institution representative
- justification for the necessity of engaging a young researcher in project implementation, including brief information on the research activities conducted by this individual (up to 1 A4 page) – optional.
Applications should be submitted in English in electronic form via the online database: For more information about the application submission, see the Instruction (in Files to download). The laureates of the programme will be selected by an international panel of experts appointed by the FNP.
Based on the availability of funds from donations or other sources, project financing may be enhanced by co-financing the salaries of young researchers (PhD students) involved in the project.
- Only candidates applying for project financing under the Program FOR UKRAINE are eligible to apply for increased project financing
- Increased project financing may be granted for a total period of up to 6 months (at a unit rate of PLN 3,500 per month), and its implementation should conclude no later than the project completion date
- The application form for increasing project financing must be supplemented with a justification for the necessity of involving a young researcher in the project implementation, along with brief details about the nature of the proposed work
The call for proposals is launched within four competitions with the following deadlines:
by April 29, 2022, until 4:00 p.m. CET (1st competition, expired);
by September 30, 2022, until 4:00 p.m. CET (2nd competition, expired);
by April 04, 2023, until 4:00 p.m. CET (3rd competition, expired);
by June 3, 2024, until 4 p.m. CET (4th competition, expired)
Sofiia Azovtseva, PhD
Programme Officer
+48 22 845 95 11, mobile: +48 691 512
Additional info
Projects in the FOR UKRAINE Programme are financed both from the Foundation’s budget and from funds provided by institutional and private donors, as well as companies.
Partners of the FOR UKRAINE program:
Files to download
- Regulations of the FOR UKRAINE Programme_2024
- 4 Call Instruction_FOR UKRAINE Programme
- Statement of the Applicant from Poland
- Statement of the Applicant from Ukraine
- Statement of the Hosting Institution
- Agreement