The objective assumed by the Foundation for Polish Science is to ensure a transparent system of recruiting candidates for experts, along with determining the recruitment procedure, for the purpose of:
- assessing grant applications (including verification of any submitted objections),
- implementing other activities resulting from the project grant agreements concluded under Measure 4.4
of the Smart Growth Operational Programme (e.g. mid-term review, applications for project modifications, final reports and other kinds of opinions).
An expert candidate status may be granted to a person who:
- enjoys full civil rights,
- has full legal capacity,
- has not been convicted by a legally binding sentence for an intentional offence or intentional fiscal offence,
- has the knowledge, skills, experience or authorisations required in the selected area covered by the Operational Programme, i.e.
- as regards candidates for scientific experts ? holds a Ph.D. title (or a higher scientific title) and has at least three years of documented professional experience in scientific research management, in the period of the last 5 years,
- as regards candidates for business experts ? has completed higher education (earning a M.A., M.Sc. or M.Sc. Eng. title, or equivalent) and has at least three years of professional experience in R&D work or knowledge transfer in the enterprise sector, or in enterprise management, in the period of the last 5 years.
The recruitment procedure is open to both Polish (resident) and foreign (non-resident) candidates.
A person applying for an expert candidate status should indicate the field(s) covered by SG OP in which he or she specialises, and has the necessary knowledge, competences, experience and required authorisations. Depending on the foregoing, one may apply for an expert candidate status in either the scientific or in the field of implementation/application of R&D results (business expert) or in both domains.
- A scientific expert shall perform tasks which involve in particular:
- preparing substantive evaluations in the process of selecting projects for co-financing, as part of Measure 4 of SG OP implemented by FNP, in line with the project selection criteria, as adopted by the SG OP Monitoring Committee,
- drawing up opinions regarding the projects being implemented, inter alia, at the mid-term review stage, applications for project modifications, final reports, etc., as regards, inter alia, the degree of innovation and originality of the research and development work conducted and/or planned in the project, development of human resources in the R&D sector, etc.
- An business expert shall perform tasks which involve in particular:
- preparing substantive evaluations in the process of evaluating grant applications, as part of Measure 4 of SG OP implemented by FNP, in line with the project selection criteria, as adopted by the SG OP Monitoring Committee,
- drawing up opinions regarding the projects being implemented, inter alia, at the mid-term review stage, applications for project modifications, final reports, etc., as regards, inter alia, the project management method, innovative project results, profitability, market demand for the project outcomes, efficiency analysis of the selected knowledge transfer method, etc.
To submit the application for inclusion in the list of candidates, you need to:
- register in the electronic system available on the FNP website: wnioski.fnp.org.pl,
NOTE: Please log in as a user (applicant). Users who do not have an account yet, should first create it.
Users who in the past acted as reviewers/panelists for the Foundation should not use their reviewers?/panelists? logins, but instead log in as user/applicant (if you do not have such account, please create it first). After logging in please select ?FNP expert database? from the list of ?Available programmes?.
2. fill out an electronic application form for an entry to the List ? the ?FNP EXPERT DATABASE? software,
3. attach the Expert Candidate?s Statement to the electronic application.
Upcoming calls for proposals
Call for FENG experts:
Additional info
We invite you to watch the video: Understanding unconscious bias
The call for expert candidates is carried out within the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 for Measure 4.4 ?Increasing the human potential in the R&D sector”
Should you have any further questions or doubts, please contact us by e-mail on: eksperci@fnp.org.pl.
Wykaz ekspertów
Files to download
- Attachments
- The principles of recruitment of expert candidates_1
- The principles of cooperation with experts_1
- Appendix 1- Framework cooperation agreement
- Appendix-1-1 Expert-data-defining-sheet
- Appendix 1-2A_Expert candidate?s statement
- Appendix 1-2B_Expert candidate?s statement
- Appendix 1-3_Expert candidate's-statement
- Appendix 1-4_Expert candidate's-statement
- Appendix-2 The-amounts-of-remuneration-payable-to-experts_2020_05
- Appendix-3 Experts-work-evaluation-sheet
Archived files for download
- Archived files for download
- Wykaz_kandydatów_na_ekspertów_Stan na dzień 15.06.2022
- Wykaz_kandydatów_na_ekspertów_Stan-na-dzień_23.11.2021
- Wykaz_Kandydatów_na_ekspertów_Stan-na-dzień_21_09_2021-1
- Wykaz_kandydatów_na_ekspertów_w działaniu 4.4 POIR_w FNP_stan na dzień 13.10.2021
- Wykaz_Kandydatów_na_ekspertów w działaniu 4.4 POIR w FNP_Stan na dzień_24_08_2021
- Wykaz kandydatów na ekspertów w działaniu 4.4 POIR w FNP - stan na 21_07_2021
- Wykaz kandydatów na ekspertów FNP_stan na dzień 26_05_2021
- Wykaz kandydatów na ekspertów FNP_stan na dzień 16_06_2021
- Wykaz kandydatów na ekspertów FNP _stan na dzień 4_11_2020
- Wykaz kandydatów na ekspertów FNP stan na dzień 2 września 2020
- Wykaz kandydatów na ekspertów FNP stan na dzień 8 lipca 2020
- Wykaz kandydatów na ekspertów FNP stan na dzień 20 maja 2020
- Wykaz kandydatów na ekspertów FNP stan na dzień 13 maja 2020
- Wykaz kandydatów na ekspertów w działaniu 4.4_stan_na_dzien_06.05.2020
- Wykaz-kandydatów-na-ekspertów-w-działaniu-4.4_stan_na_dzien_15.04.2020
- eksperci_stan-na-dzien_10.02.2020
- Eksperci-stan-na-dzień-_10_12_2019
- Eksperci-stan-na-dzień-_28_08_2019-1
- Appendix-1-?-Framework-cooperation-agreement-1
- Wykaz_Kandydatów_na_ekspertów_Stan na dzień_02.03.2022
- Wykaz_Kandydatów_na_ekspertów_Stan na dzień 13.04.2022
- Wykaz_Kandydatów na ekspertów Stan na dzień 5.05.2022