The Poland – U.S. Science Award

The Poland ? U.S. Science Award is a common undertaking between the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) and the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS).


The purpose of the award is to give recognition to outstanding achievements accomplished through Polish-American scientific cooperation.


Candidates holding a doctoral degree are collaborating scientists, one of them working at a Polish research institution and the other at a U.S. research institution, whose achievement was a result their mutual interaction and comparable participation.


Awardees each receive $5,000 as recognition for their achievements.


The award is granted to two scientists on the basis of a competition. The scope of the award covers the entire spectrum of scientific research excluding art.

All active members of the Polish and American scientific community holding a doctoral degree, or working as researchers or research administrator at a university or other R&D institution (including the industrial sector) are eligible to nominate candidates for the Award. Self-nominations shall be also considered.

Award winners are chosen from among the nominated candidates by a jury appointed by the AAAS and FNP including the following Jury members:

  • Prof. Magda Konarska ? Centre of New Technologies University of Warsaw
  • Prof. Kris Matyjaszewski ? Carnegie Mellon University
  • Prof. Karol Myśliwiec ? Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Prof. Krzysztof Palczewski ? Case Western Reserve University
  • Prof. Marek Potemski ? The Laboratoire National de Champs Magnétiques
  • Prof. Mark Rasenick ? University of Illinois at Chicago

The Jury elect to request the opinions of external experts.


The award is granted once every two years. The deadline elapsed on 31 December 2017.


Additional info

Nominations shall be submitted in English only in electronic version by the closing date to:


The complete nomination should consist of:

  • acknowledgement by a nominator of the joint scientific achievement made by the two candidates in the sense of the award (the document should include a concise description of a one specific achievement and commentary concerning the impact of this achievement on the resolution of a societal or scientific problem)
  • curricula vitae of both scientists and a list of publications relevant to the joint achievement
  • one letter of support for the couple of nominees, in case of self-nominations ? two (the letter of support should be issued by a third party ? neither a nominator nor the nominees; it should contain informative comment on the quality of the achievement reported as the basis of the nomination)

NB: FNP or AAAS may contact the nominators to ask for additional information or documents.
