Financing for projects designed as postdoctoral fellowships, carried out by young doctors (postdocs) returning to scientific research after a break.
Additional funds for the beneficiaries of the Smart Growth Operational Programme Measure 4.4
The aim of the POWROTY/REINTEGRATION programme is to improve the human potential in the R&D sector by financing innovative projects designed as postdoctoral fellowships, carried out by young doctors (postdocs) from all over the world (regardless of nationality), returning to scientific research after a break in R&D work, at research units or companies in Poland, working in the most innovative areas, with the involvement of a scientific partner, i.e. local or foreign research partner.
Eligible applicants are those young doctors (regardless of nationality) who have had a doctoral degree for not longer than 5 years, where the start of this period is defined by the year of obtaining the degree and the end – by the year preceding the deadline for submitting applications in the competition. The 5-year period may be extended to a maximum of 9 years from obtaining the degree, on the terms set down in the competition documentation.
At the same time, the applicant has to fulfil all of the following conditions:
- has to be returning to scientific research after a break lasting at least 9 months, in particular caused by working in other sectors of the economy or in the R&D sector but without taking part in research (e.g. science and technology brokerage, administration, management), or after a break connected with parenthood;
- is intending to undertake a scientific research no later than on the project?s starting date, or having started scientific research no earlier than in the year preceding the deadline for submitting applications in the competition.
For the duration of the project, the project manager (principal investigator; PI) shall be employed at the unit, with a commitment of at least 60% of a full-time employment for the purposes of project realisation.
Projects lasting up to 24 months will be financed under the programme.
The Foundation does not determine in any way the maximum amount of the project budget that can be claimed with the competition application, however, for the purpose of estimation, the average budget of thePOWROTY/REINTEGRATION project is approximately PLN 800,000 for the project lasting 24 months. The project budget submitted with the competition application should be planned accordingly by the Project Manager, i.e. reflecting appropriately all the costs necessary to carry out the project, as for the day of submission of the application.
Financing under the POWROTY/REINTEGRATION programme will be provided to projects whose subject matter is listed on the National Smart Specialization (NSS; PL – KIS) list; in exceptional cases, while giving preference to NSS areas, the Foundation may agree to finance projects involving topics not on the NSS list if they show significant application potential or importance for solving a major socioeconomic problem.
Projects under the programme can be implemented in one of two options:
- by research units to the extent to which they do not conduct economic activity (without granting state aid),
- by enterprises (pursuant to the principles of granting state aid for R&D activity).
In the POWROTY/REINTEGRATION programme, the participation of at least one scientific partner from Poland or another country is mandatory.
Applications submitted in the competition will be subject to a formal and merit-based evaluation. After receiving a positive formal evaluation, applications will undergo a three-stage merit-based evaluation:
In stage one, the merits of the applications will be evaluated by a group of experts (a scientific and economic panel, or SEP) having proper scientific achievements or experience in implementing innovative solutions in the R&D sector.
In stage two, the applications will be evaluated by at least two third-party reviewers.
In stage three, the applicants who qualify will be invited to an interview with an interdisciplinary panel of experts (IPE). The panel will include experts representing different fields of science and, optionally, an expert in the role of an observer.
The panel of experts will then compare the applications and draw up a ranking list as well as evaluating them on the basis of the criteria set down in the competition documentation.
The terms of participation are the same for all applicants and are described in detail in the programme?s competition documentation.
There are no future calls planned as part of this program.
For further information about possibilities for conducting research in Poland please check the job openings in our recipients? projects.
Additional info
Projects to be carried out under the POWROTY/REINTEGRATION programme should involve research that will contribute to solving current or arising scientific problems that are relevant for the developing global market or will make a significant contribution to solving important challenges faced by society today.
A project may also involve R&D work on a new product or production process (technological or manufacturing) of significant importance for the economy, based on an identified product, technology or buyers? market for the given product or technology.
Support under the programme should enable researchers at the start of their scientific careers, particularly young postdocs, to gain experience in conducting R&D work of significant importance for the economy and society.
As part of the project, the project manager (PI) may employ additional staff to carry out the R&D work, to be chosen in open competitions, in particular students or PhD students.
Rates of remuneration to be utilized within funded projects shall be competitive on an European scale, therefore, similar rates applicable in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) were used for benchmarking.
As regards remuneration (based on an employment contract), the total costs of remuneration together with non-payroll labour costs are eligible costs. The eligible remuneration costs under the programme for working full-time on the project are as follows:
- Project manager ? PLN 17,500/month
- PhD student ? PLN 8,000/month
- Student ? PLN 4,000/month
Students and PhD students may become team members based on an employment contract or a stipend. The stipend amounts should be within the following ranges:
- for PhD students PLN 3,500?4,500/month
- for students PLN 1,500?2,500/month
The project manager (PI) is obligated to ensure any PhD students taking part in the project adequate scientific supervision and to guarantee them mentoring from a second scientific supervisor. As far as possible, the mentor should be an employee of a foreign partner institution, a domestic partner institution or a unit other than the applicant?s place of employment – a research unit or a company conducting R&D work.
The programme is co-financed with the support of the Smart Growth Operational Programme (PO IR).
Changes in projects
The Foundation for Polish Science invites the beneficiaries of the First TEAM, TEAM HOMING, POWROTY/REINTEGRATION, TEAM-TECH (including the core-facility type competitions) and TEAM-NET programmes to apply for project modifications for the employment of R&D personnel from Ukraine.
Who can apply
Applications can be submitted by beneficiaries and project managers of the First TEAM, TEAM, TEAM-TECH, HOMING, POWROTY and beneficiaries and leaders in TEAM-NET projects.
Applications from beneficiaries carrying out their projects (or part of them) under a state aid scheme will not be considered. In case of scientific-industrial consortia the financing can be granted only to a research unit.
The current call offers:
- the possibility of employing in the project R&D personnel with competences related to the projects already ongoing within the Measure 4.4 who are (or were on the day of the aggression against Ukraine) employees or students of a research organization in Ukraine and who are in or outside Ukraine
- the possibility of increasing the co-financing of the project by costs in the amount not exceeding PLN 250,000 PLN for one person from Ukraine to whom the application relates. (excluding situations where the total budget of one TEAM-NET team would exceed PLN 3.5 million per team for 3 years)
- possible extension of the project, but no longer than the end of June 2023.
If the application is accepted, a new project budget will be adopted, taking into account the costs necessary to perform the tasks presented in the application.
The thematic scope
The subject of the application for changes in the projects is the employment in the project of a person from Ukraine and the use of at least one of the following:
a) the performance of technical works that have not yet been undertaken,
b) the introduction of a new research task,
c) the introduction of a new research method,
d) the introduction of a Proof of Concept-type task in order to elaborate the hitherto project results and verify them in terms of possibilities of practical application, implementation or commercialization,
e) the enhancement of product indicators or project results,
f) the establishment of a partnership with a new foreign institution.
The budget
The estimated budget for the call for proposals in the scope covered by this announcement is up to 5 mln PLN.
Application deadline
Applications for changes in projects will be accepted on a continuous basis from the date of publication of the Supplement to the Competition Documentation /Competition Regulations for Measure 4.4 of the Smart Growth Operational Programme Involving Project Modifications for the Employment of R&D Personnel from Ukraine until the end of the budget for this purpose. A correct application must be submitted no later than 30 days before the deadline for the completion of the project in the Foundation?s SG OP programmes.
How to submit an application
Submission of the applications takes place on the terms of the document Supplement to the Competition Documentation /Competition Regulations for Measure 4.4 of the Smart Growth Operational Programme Involving Project Modifications for the Employment of R&D Personnel from Ukraine. Applications for project modifications should be submitted via the SL2014 electronic system. The application template is attached to the above mentioned Supplement.
Detailed information on the rules for submitting applications and the application evaluation system can be found in the Supplement to Competition Documentation/Competition Regulations for Measure 4.4 of the Smart Growth Operational Programme involving Project Modifications for the Employment of R&D Personnel from Ukraine.
- TEAM: Dr Maria Mosor; tel.: 513 018 425 ;e-mail: mosor@fnp.org.pl
- First TEAM: Dr Anna Wajler; tel.: 604 129 836; e-mail: wajler@fnp.org.pl
- TEAM TECH, POWROTY, HOMING: Dr Aleksandra Kuźmińska; tel.691 601 881; e-mail: kuzminska@fnp.org.pl
- TEAM-NET: Anna Szynka; tel: 691 601 572; e-mail: szynka@fnp.org.pl; dr Ilona Łojszczyk, tel. 502 648 327, e-mail:lojszczyk@fnp.org.pl
File to download
The Foundation for Polish Science invites the beneficiaries of the First TEAM, HOMING, POWROTY/REINTEGRATION, TEAM-NET, TEAM, TEAM TECH (including the core-facility type competitions) programmes to apply for financing of new research tasks within the ongoing projects of the Measure 4.4 SG OP.
Who can apply
Applications can be submitted by First TEAM, HOMING, POWROTY/REINTEGRATION project managers and junior research team leaders in TEAM-NET projects who on the day of submitting an application have been employed at least for 3 months in order to carry out the project.
Other project managers in TEAM, TEAM-TECH (including core-facility type competitions) projects and TEAM-NET research team leaders may submit an application only if they introduce a new research task in cooperation with one First TEAM, HOMING, POWROTY/REINTEGRATION project manager or with a junior research team leader in other TEAM-NET project.
Applications from beneficiaries carrying out their projects (or part of them) under a state aid scheme will not be considered. In case of scientific-industrial consortia the financing can be granted only to a research unit.
The offer
The current call offers:
- increase in project funding for projects already ongoing within the Measure 4.4 and
- potential extension of the project implementation period.
If the application is accepted, a new project budget will be adopted, taking into account the costs necessary to perform the tasks presented in the application.
The thematic scope
A research task should be related to applying the project results in practice (through implementation, commercialization, services or new research methods). Applications can be related to any scientific field or can be interdisciplinary.
The budget
To finance the new research tasks the Foundation will spend a total of up to 20 mln PLN.
Application deadline
Applications for project modifications can be submitted from September 1st to October 16th, 2020 until 4:00 pm (local time).
An application may be submitted no later than 3 months before the project closing date indicated in the funding agreement (taking into account the extension period granted by the Act of April 3, 2020 on special solutions supporting the implementation of operational programs in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020).
NOTE: According to the above-mentioned Act the projects have been extended by 90 days (DU poz. 694).
How to submit an application
Applications should be submitted via the Foundation?s electronic system available at https://wnioski.fnp.org.pl (tab: Application for project modification).
Detailed information on the rules for submitting applications and the application evaluation system can be found in the Supplement to Competition Documentation/Competition Regulations for Measure 4.4 of the Smart Growth Operational Programme involving
Files to download
- Supplement to Competition Documentation/Competition Regulations for Measure 4.4 of the Smart Growth Operational Programme involving project modifications dated as of 25 August 2020
- Supplement to competition documentation_competition_regulations_09.2020
- Attachment_nr_4_1_Application for changes form _PR-POIR-02_Z3
- Attachment_nr_4_2_Anex to funding agreement_without_state_aid_20200825
- Instructions_pl_eng
- budget_research_unit
- budget_consortium
- Statement of the project manager_Measure 4.4_PROJECT CHANGES_2020
- Statement of the unit_research unit_Measure 4.4_PROJECT CHANGES_2020
- Statement of the unit_enterprise_Measure 4.4_PROJECT CHANGES_2020
- Statement of the consortium member representative_Measure 4.4_PROJECT CHANGES_2020
- Lab_equipment_updated
- Project_Schedule_updated
- Additional funds for research on the COVID-19 pandemic
- Supplement to competition documentation_SG OP Measure 4.4_Project Modifications_COVID19_2020_04_15
- Attachment_nr_4_1_Application for changes form _PR-POIR-02_Z3
- Attachment_nr_4_2_Anex to the grant agreement without state aid_2020_04_15
- Instructions_pl_eng_coronavirus
- Application for changes form _PR-POIR-02_Z3
- budget_consortium_2020_04_15
- budget_research_unit_2020_04_15
- Statement of the consortium member representative_2020_04_15
- Statement of the project manager_2020_04_15
- Statement of the unit_research unit_2020_04_15
- Statement of the unit_enterprise_2020_04_15
- Competition documentation
- Templates of appendices for applicants under state aid
- Appendix 4_MFA_Cost Eligibility Guide_4.4_grantees_ENG
- Appendix 3_MFA_Regulations for the award of scholarships _4.4_grantees 5_ENG
- Catalogue of criteria for selecting beneficiaries in Powroty Programme
- Form_containing_information_presented_when_applying_for_aid
- Statement of the project manager_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION
- Statement of the unit_enterprise_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION
- Statement of the unit_research unit_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION
- Templates of appendices for applicants without state aid
- Appendix 4_MFA_Cost Eligibility Guide_4.4_grantees_ENG
- Appendix 3_MFA_Regulations for the award of scholarships _4.4_grantees 5_ENG
- Catalogue of criteria for selecting beneficiaries in Powroty Programme
- Statement of the unit_research unit_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION
- Statement of the unit_enterprise_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION
- Statement of the project manager_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION
- Grant agreement templates and appendices
- Additional materials for applicants
- Templates of scholarship agrement
Archived files for download
- Archived files for download
- 2018-05-29_-Supplement-to-competition-documentation_SG-OP-Measure-4.4_Project-Modifications
- 2_Catalogue-of-non-eligible-costs_without_state_aid-4-1
- 0_Cost-eligibility-guide_state_aid-5-1
- 0_Cost-eligibility-guide_without_state_aid-4-1
- 1_Catalogue-of-eligible-costs-_state_aid-5-1
- 1_Catalogue-of-eligible-costs-_without_state_aid-4-1
- 2_Catalogue-of-non-eligible-costs_state_aid-5-1
- FNP_-Supplement-to-competition-documentation_SG-OP-Measure-4.4_Project-Modifications
- List-of-the-National-Smart-Specialisation_NSS_20160712-2
- POWROTY.REINTEGRATION_Programme_Competition_Documentation_4_2017
- Powroty_Reviewers_form_-3
- Statement-of-the-project-manager_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION-5
- Statement-of-the-unit_enterprise_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION-4
- Statement-of-the-unit_research-unit_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION-5
- Information POWROTY 30.01.2017
- Information_02.02.2017
- PL_EN_umowa-o-stypendium-naukowe_POWROTY_PO-IR_z-pomoca-6.10-1
- List-of-the-National-Smart-Specialisation_NSSPL_KIS_V2.20151203-3-5
- 1st-competition_list-of-the-national-smart-specialisation_nsspl_kis_v2-20151203-3
- 1st-competition_powroty_reviewers_form
- 1st-competition_form_containing_information_presented_when_applying_for_aid-6
- 1st-competition_lab_equipment_powroty_reintegration
- 1st-competition_project_indicators_powroty_reintegration
- 1st-competition_project_schedule_powroty_reintegration
- 1st-comp_template-of-the-grant-agreement-for-powroty-reintegration-grantees-under-state-aid_competition-1-2016_dated-7-0
- 1st-comp_template-of-the-grant-agreement-for-powroty-reintegration-grantees-without-state-aid_competition-1-2016_dated-7
- 1st-competition_powroty_reintegration_programme_competition_documentation_1_2016
- 2nd_competition_POWROTY REINTEGRATION_Programme_Competition_Documentation_2_2016
- 2nd_competion_additional_information
- 2nd_competition_0_Cost eligibility guide_without_state_aid
- 2nd_competition_1_Catalogue of eligible costs _without_state_aid
- 2nd_competition_2_Catalogue of non-eligible costs_without_state_aid
- 2nd_competition_3_Manner of incurring expenditures_without_state_aid
- 2_nd_competition_0_Cost eligibility guide_state_aid
- 2nd_competition_1_Catalogue of eligible costs _state_aid
- 2nd_competiton_2_Catalogue of non-eligible costs_state_aid
- 2nd_competition_3_Manner of incurring expenditures_state_aid
- 2nd_competition_Powroty_Reviewers_form_
- 2nd_competition_Statement-of-the-project-manager_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION
- 2nd_competition_Statement-of-the-unit_research-unit_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION
- 3rd_competition_POWROTY.REINTEGRATION_Programme_Competition_Documentation_3_2017-1
- 3rd_competition_Form_containing_information_presented_when_applying_for_aid-2
- 3rd_competition_Model-grant-agreement_state-aid
- 3rd_competition_Model-grant-agreement_without-state-aid
- 3rd_competition_Powroty_Reviewers_form
- 3rd_competition_Statement-of-the-project-manager_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION-1
- 3rd_competition_Statement-of-the-unit_enterprise_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION-1
- 3rd_competition_Statement-of-the-unit_research-unit_POWROTY_REINTEGRATION-1
- 3rd_competition_Templates-of-scholarship-agreement_POWROTY-PO-IRdoc