SKILLS – Coaching

Attention: No additional calls planned.


The objective of the programme is to provide support to young scholars in tackling professional challenges and moving forward with their scientific careers, in terms of decision making and solving the problems that arise in their work. Programme participants have the chance to work under the eye of an experienced coach.


  • researchers with a doctorate resident in Poland and employed on a contract basis at a scientific institutions based in Poland
  • graduates of doctoral programmes up to 12 months after acquiring their PhD


Researchers selected for the programme are provided with funding for a coaching process comprising from 3 to 6 coaching sessions each lasting 90-120 minutes. The sessions with a qualified coach working with the FNP will in principle take place once monthly, at a place and time determined by the participant. During the coaching process, the participant works on developing professional competences in a chosen area in accordance with the objectives of the SKILLS project, i.e. concerning administration of scientific research, managing research teams, interdisciplinary collaboration, scientific communication, commercialisation of research results or enterprise. The programme?s merits include its personalised character and the fact that it is closely adapted to the participant?s current professional challenges. With the help of the coach, the participant can make a precise diagnosis of his/her professional situation and then develop and implement actions targeted at developing his/her selected areas. The individual nature of the coaching makes the scope of specific areas it can cover very broad. These might include planning the path of professional development, building one?s own team, managing a research team (also interdisciplinary), mentoring, administering research projects, negotiation skills and communication of research results to various audiences.


Selection for the programme takes place 4 times annually. In order to take part in the programme selection process you must: Please remember or make a note of your login and password for your profile, as you will use them for the application procedure and when participating in other initiatives within the SKILLS project. Applicants who have previously registered in the SKILLS project database use their existing profile.
  • Complete all the data in the ?User data? tab.
It is not possible to move on to the further stages in the registration procedure of the personal data page is incomplete.
  • In the ?Recruitment? tab go to ?Recruitment Coaching?, give the requested information, attach the required documents and send your application by clicking the ?Save to Coaching? button.
  • After confirming the registration in the database with the ?Save to Coaching? button, the candidate will be logged out automatically.
If not, this may mean that some data is incomplete. Please check the form again to see if there are any error messages. Applications are first checked to see if all required data has been given, and then evaluated by expert reviewers. The authors of applications assessed highest by reviewers are invited for an interview with the Committee. Decisions to accept a candidate are taken by the FNP Management Board on the basis of the application ranking list drawn up by the Committee.


No additional calls planned.



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