SKILLS – eNgage

Attention: No additional calls planned.


The main objectives of the eNgage competition are development of skills in popularisation of science or presentation of the results of scientific research for various non-scientist target groups, especially young people and students. The competition offers funding for innovative popularisation ideas, and encompasses all areas of science. There are also no restrictions on the method of popularisation. It may involve planning a series of lectures or meetings, writing a blog or designing a smartphone app popularising science.


SKILLS project participants, i.e. individuals who have signed a SKILLS project participation declaration and statement on personal data:

  • researchers resident in Poland and employed on a contract basis at scientific institutions based in Poland
  • doctoral candidates at Polish scientific institutions resident in Poland.

Scholars from all scientific fields may take part in the competition.


Autorzy najlepszych pomysłów otrzymają nagrodę w wysokości do 45 000 zł, którą w przeciągu roku będą zobowiązani przeznaczyć na realizację Projektu Konkursowego. Nagroda składa się z dwóch części: części subwencyjnej (80%) oraz części będącej indywidualnym wsparciem dla laureata/laureatki (maksymalnie 20% nagrody; z części tej można zrezygnować, by przeznaczyć 100% nagrody na realizację projektu).


An integral part of each project must be a minimum of four meetings with young people aimed at popularising science and a career in science as a worthwhile development path. When submitting the competition entry, applicants should describe the project and draw up a plan of these meetings and a cost estimate for the 12-month period.

The competition comprises three stages: one stage is the formal evaluation and two assess the project?s substantive merit. The criteria for this evaluation are: originality of the idea, its popularisation potential, the project?s viability, the compatibility of the cost estimate with the planned actions, the applicant?s previous accomplishments in popularisation, and the applicant?s academic output. A ranking list of entries will be constructed on the basis of the expert evaluations.

Stage I of the evaluation of the substantive merit will conclude with selection of the highest-scoring applications, whose authors will progress to Stage II, thus becoming finalists. In the final stage of the competition they will be expected to present their projects to the committee.


No additional calls planned.


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