SKILLS ? IMPULS competition

No additional calls planned.


Promoting applied research and developing scientists? skills related to the commercialization of research and development results.


? Research workers residing in Poland and employed under an employment contract at a research unit based in the Republic of Poland

? PhD students from Polish research units who reside in Poland

? Graduates of PhD studies up to 12 months from obtaining their doctoral degree who want to carry out their project at a research unit based in the Republic of Poland who have signed a declaration of participation in the project and a statement concerning their personal data in connection with previous participation in the SKILLS project.

The competition is open to scientists representing any field of science.


Zwycięzcy konkursu otrzymują nagrody w wysokości:
I nagroda: 120 tys. zł
II nagroda: 100 tys. zł
III nagroda: 80 tys. zł
Każda nagroda składa się z dwóch części ? 80% nagrody stanowi część subwencyjna na realizację zwycięskiego projektu badawczego, a 20% nagrody to indywidualne wsparcie dla laureata.


Participants of the IMPULS competition may be scientists who have signed a declaration of participation in the project and a statement concerning their personal data in connection with previous participation in the SKILLS project.

IMPULS competition entrants are obliged to submit their applications in electronic format via their individual account registered in the application database. The competition finalists will present their project during an interview with the competition committee comprising specialists from the science and business communities.


No additional calls planned.

Additional info

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