Attention: No additional calls planned.
The programme?s aim is to enable researchers from Poland to improve their work skills by completing an internship at a research performing organisation or a company abroad. The programme focuses on following areas: research project management, research team management, interdisciplinary collaboration, technology transfer and entrepreneurship.Addressees
- PhD candidates at Polish research performing organisations (residing in Poland),
- graduates of PhD studies (up to 12 months after being awarded their doctoral degree),
- researchers residing in Poland and employed at a Polish research performing organisation.
An internship lasting from 1 to 6 months takes place in a foreign research unit or a company. During that time, an Intern receives: 1) monthly living allowance (1 555 EUR, a country correction coefficient applies), 2) monthly mobility allowance (600 EUR) 3) refund of the bench fee costs up to 650 EUR per month (only at a research performing organisation).Procedure
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis; the selection procedure takes place approx. every 3 months. The applications are sent via CLOSING DATE
No additional calls planned.Contact
Additional info