Stipends for young, talented researchers – employees or doctoral students at an institution of higher education in Poland or other Polish institution whose chartered purposes include conducting scientific research – at the outset of their career, who have already achieved some success in their field.
The programme is directed to young researchers, at the outset of their career, who have already achieved some success in their field. The stipends serve as recognition of the scientific attainments so far by these young scholars and as an incentive for further growth by enabling them to devote themselves fully to their research.
Scientists with original research accomplishments who will not be over age 30 during the year of openning the competion may apply in the programme. Applicants over age 30 may also apply if they meet the additional conditions provided in the competition documentation. Young scholars are eligible to apply for stipends if they:
- are doctoral students in Poland or are performing R&D work in Poland at an entity with conducting scientific research and development as one of its statutory purposes,
- can demonstrate documented scientific accomplishments.
Last year, the annual scholarship amounted to PLN 30,000. In the upcoming competition, the Foundation will award approximately 100 annual scholarships.
Starting from 2010 edition, the competition winners, who obtained the top marks in each of three fields: the humanities and social sciences, the natural sciences and medicine, and the exact and technical sciences, may win a special recognition, which results in increasing the stipend. The stipends for these beneficiaries are financed with money the FNP receives from donations to public benefit organizations (1,5% of personal income tax). The stipends of beneficiaries who win special recognition are increased – in the previous edition they amounted to PLN 38,000.
The Foundation may also award the special Prof. Barbara Skarga Stipend to the winner of the START programme whose research proves boldest in breaking down barriers between academic disciplines.
From 2022 r. a laureate of the START programme may be awarded the prof. Wacław Szybalski Stipend. This distinction may be granted to an outstanding young scientist conducting research in the fields of science of the Founder, i.e. biotechnology, genetics or molecular biology. This stipend was established thanks to the testamentary legacy of Prof. Wacław Szybalski.
The Prof. Adam Sobiczewski Fund has also been established as part of the START programme. The purpose of the fund is to provide supplemental financing for selected stipends awarded to the highest rated winners in the START programme pursuing research in fields close to the interests of the founder: theoretical physics, mathematics, and astronomy.
Selected START stipendees are eligible to gain additional financial support covering travel expenditures to one or two research centers abroad.
Registration of candidates applying for a stipend is conducted via the dedicated website: Only after completing the online form will it be possible to print it out and send it by post to the FNP office (I. Krasickiego 20/22, 02-611 Warszawa), without any notation on the envelope.
Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their scientific achievements. Applications for stipends may be filed by the institutions employing or educating the candidates, or by the candidates directly. Applications must be signed by the president or vice-president of the university, or in the case of institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences or other research units, by the director or deputy director of the institution.
This year, we have introduced three changes to the application procedure:
- We have updated the list of review groups
- We request for a uniform form of signatures on application form: digital or handwritten. This means that we will not accept application forms on which one person has signed by hand and the other digitally. Attachments are treated as separate documents and may be signed each differently.
- On the list of publications, we will only require the signature of the academic supervisor. We are waiving the requirement for candidates to sign this document.
We kindly inform you that applications in the START programme (edition 2025) started on 16th of September 2024 and closed on 31st of October 2024.
Upcoming calls for proposals
The call for the next competition applications will begin next fall.
Aleksandra Czerniawska, PhD
Programme Officer
+48 22 311 84 46, mobile 607 451 804
Sofiia Azovtseva, PhD
Programme Officer
+48 22 845 95 11, mobile: +48 691 512 451
Additional info
Thanks to an agreement between the FNP and the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (Nobelpreisträgertagungen in Lindau), the Foundation – as the only organization in Poland – can propose candidates for participation in these meetings. The candidates are selected from recipients of scholarships from the START programme, targeted at the best young Polish scientists. The costs of their participation in the Lindau meeting are covered by the Foundation and the organisers.
Stipends in the 2024 competition will be financed from the Foundation’s own budget and from funds provided by institutions, companies, private donors and by taxpayers assigning 1,5% of their personal income tax to the Foundation.
PARTNER OF THE START PROGRAMME (editions 2019-2022):
- [ START Beneficiaries 1993 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 1994 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 1995 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 1996 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 1997 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 1998 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 1999 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2000 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2001 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2002 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2003 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2004 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2005 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2006 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2007 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2008 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2009 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2010 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2011 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2012 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2013 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2014 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2015 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2016 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2017 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2018 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2019 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2020 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2021 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2022 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2023 ]
- [ START Beneficiaries 2024 ]
Files to download
- Files to download
Archived files for download
- Archived files for download
- Frequently_asked_questions_2024
- START_2024_candidate’s_declaration
- START_2024_Declaration_scientific_supervisor
- InstructionSTART_2022
- START_2022_Declaration_scientific_supervisor
- START_2022_candidate?s_declaration
- Instruction_START_-2021
- Instruction_START_-2019
- Rules_B_Skarga_Stipend
- Instruction_START_-2018 (1)
- START_Programme_Rules-1
- START-application-instructions-2017-competition_04_10_16
- START_2016_Application_instructions
- Regulations_START