The Foundation for Polish Science announces information about the planned call for applications in the First Team Measure financed from the European Funds for Smart Economy 2021 – 2027 programme. Call No. 1/2024 will be conducted from 2.09.2024 – 2.10.2024. Please note: on September 2, 2024, the call of the applications date has changed. The call of applications will be held between 23.09.2024 and 23.10.2024 until 16.00.
Measure description
First Team Measure implemented by the Foundation for Polish Science is aimed at attracting the best young researchers from all over the world to work in Polish research organizations and to develop international and economic cooperation. Under First Team Measure, early-career scientists can apply for funds to set up a new research team and conduct R&D activities in cooperation with a foreign scientific partner and a national economic partner. The First Team Measure is also expected to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of Polish applications submitted to ERC competitions.
Who can apply for funding
Applicants under the Measure may be research organizations that identify a person to act as Principal Investigator of the Project. This is the author of the research concept presented in the application. He or she must hold at least a PhD degree obtained no more than 12 years prior to the submission of the application to the First Team competition.
What you can receive funding for
Funding can be received for original research and development work that has potential implementation value and relevance to solving economic or socio-economic problems. The thematic scope of projects is not limited to particular scientific fields, but refers to the priorities included in the list of National Intelligent Specializations. It is obligatory to cooperate with at least one scientific partner from abroad and a national economic partner as part of the project, while financial support is provided only to the research organization (Applicant).
Funding does not cover basic research.
Amount of funding
One project may receive funding of up to a maximum of PLN 4 million. Funding is awarded through a competition. A total of PLN 64 million has been allocated for projects in call no. 1/2024.
Deadline for submitting applications
The call for applications will be held between 2.09.2024 and 2.10.20 24 until 16.00. Please note: on September 2, 2024, the call of the applications date has changed. The call of applications will be held between 23.09.2024 and 23.10.2024 until 16.00.
Information on call 1/2024 is provided by
- Dr Malwina Hyjek-Składanowska – e-mail: hyjek-skladanowska@fnp.org.pl, mobile: +48 693 340 242
- Dr Ewa Nawrocka – e-mail: nawrocka@fnp.org.pl, mobile: +48 691 601 881
- Dr Maria Mosor – e-mail: mosor@fnp.org.pl, mobile: +48 513 018 425
More information
- Selected documents in English and additional information – on the First Team measure website