International Research Agenda Programme ? Info Days in Barcelona, Madrid and Dublin

Dodano: :: Kategorie: Latest news, Programme news
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The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) would like to invite scientists and representatives of research institutions to attend information meetings on the International Research Agendas programme scheduled to take place in September in Barcelona, Madrid and Dublin.

The International Research Agenda programme provides an opportunity to create research organizations in Poland (innovative centres of excellence), where outstanding scientists (irrespective of their nationality) would conduct quality research programmes and pursue R&D activities in order to solve a specific global scientific challenge. The suggested funding amount for each research centre is approximately EUR 8 million for five years. The second call for applications is open. The first part of the application must be submitted by 30 October 2016.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to scientists from Spain and Ireland as well as to representatives of research institutions interested in pursuing international research agendas in Poland to the information meetings about the programme. During the meetings, we are going to present the programme, the opportunities and the application procedure, as well as information on drafting, submission and evaluation of applications. The meetings will also provide an opportunity to familiarize with the FNP, National Science Centre and National Centre for Research and Development grants offer.

The registration for all the meetings is obligatory.

Please find below the itinerary and the agenda of the events:

  • Barcelona, September 19, AGENDA, REGISTRATION  (The registration will close not later than September 16)
  • Madrid, September 21, AGENDA, REGISTRATION (The registration will close not later than September 16)
  • Dublin, September 28, AGENDA,  In order to register, please send an e-mail to Agnieszka Kossakowska: The registration will close not later than September 23

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