The Foundation for Polish Science organised the FNP Interdisciplinary Conference for the fourth time. This year, it was held on 6 and 7 October. There were 26 speakers during the conference and 164 posters were presented in the poster zone.
The conference was addressed to project leaders, team leaders and team members involved in projects that have received funding from the Foundation under the Smart Growth Operational Programme (Measure 4.3 and 4.4) awarded by the FNP. Three thematic panel discussions, three presentation sessions and several open poster sessions were planned as part of the conference.
Day one of the conference
Prof. Maciej Żylicz, the President of the Foundation for Polish Science, welcomed the guests and officially started the 4th FNP Interdisciplinary Conference, which was held in a stationary form after a two-year break. The first of the three presentation sessions, scheduled for 6 October, focused on the effects of international scientific cooperation. The follwing scientists took part in the discussion: prof. Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek (the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS; the beneficiary of the TEAM-TECH Core Facility programme), Adrian Kobiela (the University of Gdańsk; the participant in the FIRST TEAM project), PhD habil. Marcin Kuźniak (the International Research Agenda AstroCent), dr Radek Łapkiewicz (the University of Warsaw; the beneficiary of the FIRST TEAM programme). The moderator of the session was PhD habil. Michał Zawada (the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń; the beneficiary of the TEAM programme).
Photo: the presentation session (from left): PhD habil. Michał Zawada, PhD habil. Marcin Kuźniak, dr Radek Łapkiewicz, Adrian Kobiela, prof. Bożena Kamińska-Kaczmarek
The second presentation session was devoted to the practical aspects of scientific research The scientists, prof. Paweł Moskal (the Jagiellonian University; the beneficiary of the TEAM programme), dr Marcin Pawłowski (the University of Gdańsk; the beneficiary of the FIRST TEAM programme), PhD habil. Anna Kajetanowicz (the University of Warsaw; the beneficiary of the TEAM-TECH programme), and prof. Maciej Wojtkowski (ICTER, the International Research Agenda) talked about the challenges related to the conducted research and the possibilities of application of the studies. The moderator of the session was dr Bartosz Wawrzynów (the Foundation for Polish Science).
Photo: the presentation session (from the left): dr Bartosz Wawrzynów, prof. Paweł Moskal, prof. Maciej Wojtkowski, PhD habil. Anna Kajetanowicz, dr Marcin Pawłowski
The topic of the third presentation session was research on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The guests of dr Radosław Kwapiszewski (the Foundation for Polish Science) were the beneficiaries of the FNP programmes who have received additional funding from the Foundation within the framework of the Smart Growth Operational Programme to combat the SARS-CoV-2 virus: prof. Agnieszka Michota-Kamińska (the Polish Academy of Sciences; the beneficiary of the TEAM-TECH programme), prof. Justyna Olko (the University of Warsaw; the beneficiary of the TEAM programme), dr Alicja Chmielewska (the University of Gdańsk; the beneficiary of the Reintegration programme), prof. Marcin Drąg (the Wrocław University of Science and Technology; the beneficiary of the TEAM programme).
Photo: the presentation session, prof. Justyna Olko
During the first day of the 4th FNP Interdisciplinary Conference, a panel discussion was also held to talk about the potential of start-ups in the Polish academic environment. The moderator of the discussion was dr Bartosz Wawrzynów and it was attended by: Jacek Jemielity (the University of Warsaw; the beneficiary of the TEAM programme), prof. Piotr Garstecki (the Polish Academy of Sciences; the beneficiary of the TEAM-TECH programme), Marcin Hejka (OTB Ventures), Jan Habermann (Credo Ventures).
Photo: the panel discussion (from the left): dr Bartosz Wawrzynów, prof. Jacek Jemielity, Jan Habermann, Marcin Hejka
Day two of the conference
On the second day of the conference, the debate was focused on research grants and the chances of obtaining them. The first panel discussion on that day emphasised the role of the Foundation for Polish Science in the process of applying by scientists for funds to conduct and develop research. The moderator of the discussion was prof. Maciej Żylicz, the President of the FNP, and the discussion was attended by: PhD habil. Grzegorz Soboń (the Wrocław University of Science and Technology; the beneficiary of the FIRST TEAM programme), dr Agata Karska (the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń; the beneficiary of the FIRST TEAM programme), PhD habil. Wiktor Lewandowski (the University of Warsaw; the beneficiary of the FIRST TEAM programme), PhD habil. Danuta Gutowska-Owsiak (the University of Gdańsk; the beneficiary of the FIRST TEAM programme).
Photo: the panel discussion (from the left): prof. Maciej Żylicz, dr Agata Karska, PhD habil. Wiktor Lewandowski, PhD habil. Grzegorz Soboń, PhD habil. Danuta Gutowska-Owsiak
The scientists who took part in the second panel discussion, moderated by dr Tomasz Poprawka (the Polish Science Contact Agency “PolSCA”, the Polish Academy of Sciences), shared their experience in obtaining and implementing ERC grants. This time, the following scientists joined the discussion: PhD habil. Urszula Stachewicz (the Stanisław Staszic Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Kraków; the beneficiary of the FIRST TEAM programme), prof. Anna Matysiak (the University of Warsaw), prof. Grzegorz Pietrzyński (the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre PAS), PhD habil. Michał Szymański (the University of Gdańsk; the beneficiary of the FIRST TEAM programme), prof. Wojciech Knap (CENTERA, the International Research Agenda), dr Sebastian Glatt (the Jagiellonian University; the beneficiary of the FIRST TEAM programme).
Photo: the panel discussion (from the left): dr Tomasz Poprawka, prof. Wojciech Knap, prof. Grzegorz Pietrzyński, prof. Anna Matysiak, dr Sebastian Glatt, PhD habil. Michał Szymański, PhD habil. Urszula Stachewicz
Poster session
A permanent item on the agenda of the 4th FNP Interdisciplinary Conference was a poster session, during which scientists could present the results of their projects implemented under the FNP programmes financed by the Foundation from the funds under the the Smart Growth Operational Programme. In total, 164 posters were submitted for the exhibition and their presentation accompanied the events in the conference room.
Photo: poster session
The FNP Interdisciplinary Conference integrates the scientific community. Its purpose is to establish relationships and share experience among the beneficiaries of the programmes coordinated by the Foundation for Polish Science, as well as to present the obtained research results. This year, the conference was held at the “PGE Narodowy” Stadium in Warsaw.
Watch the video summary
The event was co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Programme.
Photo: Nel Gwiazdowska_FNP Archives