28 April 2015 is the deadline for young scientist popularisers to submit their applications in the fifth INTER – science popularisation contest organized as part of the FNP’s SKILLS project*.
The INTER contest is open to SKILLS project participants, i.e. persons who have been involved in the project (e.g. by taking part in training courses) and therefore have signed a declaration of participation in the SKILLS project and a statement regarding their personal details.
The competition is open to scientists representing any field of research:
- PhD students from Polish research units who reside in Poland,
- PhDs who are research workers, who reside in Poland and are employed under an employment contract at a research unit based in the Republic of Poland ? up to 6 years from their PhD,
- graduates of PhD studies up to 12 months from obtaining their doctoral degree who want to carry out their project at a research unit based in the Republic of Poland.
In stage one of the competition the candidates submit applications to implement an interdisciplinary research project. These are evaluated by experts representing different fields of science. The authors of the best applications take part in the finals in which they have 5 minutes for a comprehensible and attractive presentation of their research project to an audience and the competition committee comprising leading and respected popularisers of science.
Before the finals, the participants will take part in an extra training course on self-presentation and the art of public speaking to enable them to prepare for their final presentations.
The competition winners will receive prizes in the amount of 120,000 zlotys (1st prize), 100,000 zlotys (2nd prize) and 80,000 zlotys (3rd prize), where the committee may award each prize to more than one person. Each prize consists of two parts: 80% of the prize money is a grant to carry out the presented research project, while 20% is a personal stipend for the recipient. The audience gathered at the presentations will also choose their own favourite ? the winner of the audience poll will receive a prize of 10,000 zlotys.
We strongly encourage you to take part and to see the summaries of the INTER competition finals from 2012-2014!
More information is available on the competition website and from the coordinator: Monika Biłas-Henne, PhD, tel.: (+48) 22 845 95 17, e-mail: monika.bilas@fnp.org.pl.
Pictured: Katarzyna Krukiewicz from the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, winner of a first prize in the INTER 2015 competition.
* The SKILLS project is co-financed with European Union funding from the European Social Fund.