With the announcement of the International Research Agendas competition ? module for applicants intending to implement their projects outside the Mazowieckie Province (IRA PWM), the Foundation invites anyone interested in submitting an application under the terms of this competition to a workshop devoted to the requirements that the applicants themselves should meet, as well as the requirements pertaining to the projects and the IRA application process.
The purpose of the International Research Agendas programme is to enable the establishment of new research units (their legal and organizational structures) in Poland, led by distinguished scientists from around the world, with international and Polish teams of scientists representing various branches of science carrying out research and development work of the highest level.
The potential Lead Applicant or second applicant in the IRA* project, and possibly others who support the applicants in the preparation of the applications may participate in the workshop.
Date and time: 26 September (Tuesday), 11:00 ? 14:00
Place: FNP headquarters, ul. I. Krasickiego 20/22, Warsaw
10.30 ? 11.00 Registration / coffee
11.00 ? 11.30 Presentation about the IRA programme and discussion: Organizational challenges and benefits stemming from the implementation of research agendas
11.30 ? 12.30 Workshop for applicants (part 1): How to implement the International Research Agendas programme: formal requirements, the ideal unit
12.30 ? 12.45 Coffee break
12.45 ? 13.45 Workshop for applicants (part 2): How to prepare an effective application ? the selection process and criteria
13.45 ? 14.00 Q&A
The workshop will be conducted in Polish or English – depending on the needs of the participants, reported during registration. Participation in the event is free of charge. Participants must make their own accommodation and travel arrangements at their expense.
To sign up for the workshop, please send an e-mail to Dr. Judyta Węgrzyn, wegrzyn@fnp.org.pl, informing us of your interest in the workshop and of the preferred language in which to conduct the workshop. Seats are limited and participants will be registered on a first-come-first-served basis. Registration is open until 21 September or until the maximum number of participants is reached.
* The IRA programme (including the IRA PWM module) is designed for distinguished researchers from Poland or abroad with recognized research achievements, whose experience in management positions will ensure effective operation of the unit implementing the IRA.
In some cases ? for example, if the application involves interdisciplinary research ? the application may be submitted by two applicants. However, the main applicant, to whom all the requirements and responsibilities of the head of unit implementing the IRA will apply, should be identified in the electronic system.
The first applicant will be the head of the unit implementing the IRA (depending on the adopted legal form of the new unit, e.g., president of a foundation or director). The second applicant may apply for the position of research group leader or director for coordination of research at the new unit. Each applicant must be fully committed to the implementation of the IRA project, working on it at least 50% of the time.
If you are interested in the workshop, you should find out more about the International Research Agendas programme by visiting the IRA website.
In addition, you will find more information about the IRA programme in the online guide for IRA applicants.
We also encourage you to watch a video and animation about the IRA programme:
VIDEO about the IRA programme: LINK
ANIMATION about the IRA programme: LINK
Contact: Dr. Judyta Węgrzyn, programme specialist, IRA team: tel. 22 311 84 39, e-mail: wegrzyn@fnp.org.pl.