Results of the latest research by Polish scientists on COVID-19 ? an invitation to a webinar

Dodano: :: Kategorie: Press Releases
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Polish researchers are the authors of cutting-edge research that has had a significant impact on developing tools to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. With the support of European Funds, scientists have developed several solutions that are important not only for limiting the spread of SARS-CoV-2 but also of other dangerous diseases. O 15 December, they will talk about the results of their research.

When in early December 2019 the reports of a fast-spreading new disease started coming in from Wuhan, China, scientists did not wait – they immediately started research on the virus that caused it.

SARS-CoV-2 proved to be a very difficult opponent – the mutating pathogen remains a serious threat to this day. A tremendous effort by the scientists allowed innovative vaccines and therapies for the new disease, known to the world as COVID-19, to be developed at lightning speed. Thanks to all that work, the pandemic was contained after only a dozen months.

Research related to COVID-19 could also be developed in Poland thanks to additional funds allocated for this purpose from the European Funds, including the Smart Growth Operational Programme. From this pool of money, the Foundation for Polish Science granted funds totalling PLN 15 million to 14 research projects. The funding was awarded through competition. The results of the selected projects will be presented during a webinar ‘How do European Funds support the fight against COVID? Research results of FNP laureates’, which will take place on 15 December 2022 at 11.00 a.m.

The following scientists will present their research: Prof. Agnieszka Michota-Kamińska (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, TEAM-TECH programme awardee), Prof. Jacek Jemielity (Centre for New Technologies, University of Warsaw, FNP awardee and TEAM programme winner), Prof. Marcin Drąg (Wrocław University of Technology, winner of the FNP Prize and TEAM programme), Prof. Justyna Olko (Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw, winner of the TEAM programme), Prof. Daniel Gryko (Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, winner of the FNP Prize and TEAM programme).

The meeting will be chaired by Professor Maciej Żylicz, President of the Foundation for Polish Science.

Participation in the webinar is free of charge, and live streaming of the meetings will be available on the YouTube profile of the Foundation for Polish Science and the Facebook profile of the Foundation for Polish Science.

The webinar is being delivered by the Foundation for Polish Science with funds from a targeted grant from the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy in response to the coronavirus crisis.

Read more about the latest research results from Polish laboratories in the publication ‘Science in times of change. How research funded by European Funds helps protect us from global threats and exploit historic opportunities?, which will be published soon.



The Foundation for Polish Science has existed since 1991 and is an independent, self-funded, non-profit, non-governmental institution that pursues the mission of supporting science. It is Poland?s largest non-budgetary source of science funding. The statutory goals of the Foundation include supporting outstanding scientists and research teams and working to transfer scientific achievements to business practice. The Foundation implements them by awarding individual prizes and scholarships for scientists, granting subsidies for implementation of scientific achievements into business practice, as well as other forms of support for important undertakings serving science (such as: publishing programs, conferences). The Foundation is also committed to supporting international scientific cooperation and enhancing the scientific independence of the younger generation of scholars.

Press liaison officer:
Dominika Wojtysiak-Łańska, Foundation for Polish Science: phone No. 698 931 944,


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