The Foundation for Polish Science announced laureates of the second competition under the FIRST TEAM programme

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The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) has announced the winners of the second competition held under the FIRST TEAM programme. Grants worth a total of PLN 14 million will be awarded to 7 young scientists.

The purpose of the FIRST TEAM programme is to support young PhDs (who have had a doctoral degree for not longer than 5 years) build their first research teams. The programme is intended to encourage young researchers to pursue their scientific career, and to help them achieve scientific independence. Applicants can receive up to approx. PLN 2 million for 3 years to conduct R&D. The grants are funded by the Smart Growth Operational Programme.

The second competition received 87 applications; from which reviewers and experts (the majority of whom were foreign) recommended 7 for total funding worth nearly PLN 14 million. The Funds, provided by the FNP, will enable laureates to assemble research teams and to finance at least 20 jobs for scientists employed in projects and 19 scholarships for undergraduate and PhD students involved in project implementation. A total of 16 foreign partners will be invited to collaborate in the research.

Currently, applications are being accepted for the third competition under the programme. Applications may be submitted until 15 March 2017. For more information, visit the programme website: LINK

Full list of FIRST TEAM 2/2016 grant recipients

We congratulate all the laureates!
