dr Anna Bodzoń-Kułakowska | Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza | biochemia | Application of SIMS and DESI to measure the oxidative stress accompanying morphine administration | 340 000 zł |
dr Joanna Dzwonek | Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. Nenckiego | neurobiologia | The role of adhesion molecule CD44 in dendritic tree arborization | 530 000 zł |
dr Agata Głuszyńska | Uniwersytet Poznański | chemia organiczna | Synthesis of new carbazole ligands, potential inhibitors of telomerase in antitumor therapy | 480 000 zł |
dr Maja Grabacka | Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie | biologia komórki | Molecular mechanisms of anticancer effects of Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor alpha activation by fatty acids and fenofibrate in tumor cells | 480 000 zł |
dr Anna Kurzyńska-Kokorniak | Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN | biochemia | Apta-miRs novel strategy for controlling miRNA s biogenesis and functioning | 530 000 zł |
dr Dorota Matyszewska | Uniwersytet Warszawski | chemia fizyczna | Influence of nanostructured drug carriers on the organization of model biological membranes | 364 000 zł |
dr Katarzyna Samson | Instytut Katalizy i Fizykochemii Powierzchni im. J. Habera | chemia fizyczna | Selective hydrogenolysis of glycerol to glycols via acetol on heterogeneous metal/metal oxides-based catalysts | 430 500 zł |
dr Agnieszka Stolarczyk | Politechnika Śląska | chemia fizyczna | Polythiophene block copolymers tailored for energy-efficient membrane separations design, preparation, characterization and evaluation of gas transport properties | 430 000 zł |
dr Sylwia Studzińska | Uniwersytet im. M. Kopernika w Toruniu | chemia analityczna | Improvement of biomolecules analysis by liquid chromatography with different detection techniques | 220 950 zł |
dr Marta Szajnik-Szczepański | Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu | ginekologia | Role of tumor derived exosomes TEX in induction of immune suppression through the adenosinergic pathway in ovarian cancer | 500 000 zł |
dr Ewelina Szymańska | Międzynarodowy Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Komórkowej | biologia molekularna | Characterization of selected endocytic proteins as novel regulators of AP-1 mediated transcription | 430 000 zł |
dr Aleksandra Walczyńska | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | biologia ewolucyjna | Proximate and ultimate factors influencing the relation between body size and temperature of organisms from the activated sludge | 237 000 zł |
dr Monika Witusik-Perkowska | Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi | onkologia | Glioblastoma cell culture model of tumor in vitro or culture of artifacts | 410 000 zł |