prof. Michał Dadlez | Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN | biofizyka | Proteomics in characterisation of selected protein assemblies | 2 936 000 |
prof. Wiesław Gruszecki | Uniwersytet M. Skłodowskiej Curie | biofizyka | Molecular Spectroscopy for BioMedical Studies | 3 271 500 |
dr hab. Krystian Jażdżewski | Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny | onkologia | In search of new pathways of tumorigenesis - genome-wide functional analysis of microRNAs deregulated in human cancers | 2 637 500 |
dr hab. Przemysław Juszczyński | Instytut Hematologii i Transfuzjologii | onkologia | Tumor suppressor function of FOXO1 in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas mechanisms of regulation and personalized rational targeting strategies | 2 415 000 |
prof. Leszek Kalinowski | Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny | kardiologia | Diagnostic markers for investigation of formation and progression of atherosclerotic plaques | 1 637 000 |
prof. Andrzej Koliński | Uniwersytet Warszawski | bioinformatyka | Development and integration of new multiscale modeling tools for molecular biology structure, dynamics and thermodynamics | 2 249 500 |
prof. Małgorzata Kujawińska | Politechnika Warszawska | inżynieria optyczna | Phase microscopy and tomography new approach to 3D measurements of biological and technological structures 3DPHASE | 2 299 000 |
prof. Janusz Lewiński | Politechnika Warszawska | chemia nieorganiczna | From well-defined organometallic precursors to functional materials | 1 868 500 |
dr hab. Daniel Mege | Instytut Geologii PAN | planetologia | Mars another planet to approach geoscience issues | 2 056 800 |
dr hab. Krzysztof Sobczak | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza | biochemia | Molecular Pathomechanism and RNA Interference-Based Therapy of Myotonic Dystrophy | 2 280 000 |